I am currently knitting the-socks-that-never-end. They’re like being in a time warp. I think I started this pair of socks in 2015. That is a full 5 years ago. I have kept them as a “travel project”, I travel a lot for work, so I always need smaller projects to work on while I’m hanging out in hotels, or on planes. But these socks. Let’s just say they’re well traveled. I have avoided finishing these socks forever! I have even gone out and purchased other craft supplies when I’m out of town for work, because I’ve looked at them and thought, “Eh, I don’t really want to work on those…” But I’d put so much effort into getting them onto the magic loop, and getting the toes done, I didn’t want to give up and frog them. Sigh. It actually took a month alone in a hotel in New York City, along with a case of COVID19, for me to actually make progress on the socks.
I hate knitting socks. There, I said it. Someone please remind of this the next time I say, “OOOOh look at this fancy, shiny sock pattern!” I’ve knitted probably 5 pairs of socks in my knitting career, and I’ve remembered each time, somewhere in the middle of sock number one, that I hate, hate, hate knitting socks! The particular damned socks of which I speak in this post are both being knitted at the same time. I though it would be super cool to learn to knit two at once, and solve the “Second Sock Syndrome” issue, completely forgetting that I don’t want to knit anymore sometime during the first sock, and that it’s not really second sock syndrome if you don’t get to the second sock. The tutorial for these particular socks is here. http://heidibearscreative.blogspot.com/2011/10/two-socks-at-time-on-one-circular.html
It’s a great tutorial, for people who like knitting socks! I was talking about these socks, and pricing handwork for sale, and I said, “If I was being paid by the hour for these socks, they’d be priced around $10,000.” My husband said, “Yeah, and people don’t even want to pay for twelve dollar socks!” Point taken. No more socks! Maybe I’ll actually wear this pair, though. And I’ve seen some really beautiful patterns for over the calf socks with mermaids on them…
Tell me in the comments, do you love or hate knitting socks? What about crocheting socks? Is crochet faster? Are the socks comfy? What’s your favorite sock pattern?